speed survey


On 16 July last year we were pleased to present to Sutton Council the petition signed by over 70 residents of Cavendish Road concerning cars speeding in the road. We then discussed with Council officers how to deal with the concerns raised. We noted that residents of Cedar Road had also raised concerns about speeding.

We obtained funding for a survey of the speed of vehicles in Cavendish Road, and got this extended to other local roads, including Cedar Road. The survey was conducted last November and December – local residents may have seen the measuring equipment (pictured above) at the roadside and with the tubes straddling the road. The traffic engineers concluded that the volume and speed of traffic in Cavendish Road has “created an environment in Cavendish Road that is perceived to be unacceptable for pedestrians and vulnerable road users to cross the road in confidence and safety.”

In the light of this, it is proposed to introduce traffic control measures at two locations in Cavendish Road, either a crossing with “road narrowing” build-outs from each side and one lane in the middle or a pedestrian refuge centre island. One will be close to Fiske Court and Hampton Lodge, one will be close to Richard Sharples Court.

The traffic engineers also concluded that the volume and speed of traffic in Cedar Road has “created an unfriendly and difficult environment for the pedestrians and the vulnerable road users to negotiate the traffic and cross the road in a safe manner.”

As a result, it is proposed to introduce traffic control measures at two locations in Cedar Road – a crossing with “road narrowing” build-outs from each side and one lane in the middle near Ashdown Court and Cedar Court, and a Zebra Crossing with a raised table near the Friends’ Meeting House and Forest Dean Court. The Zebra Crossing is something we have long campaigned for.

The precise date for this work is not yet agreed as financial restrictions mean there is no funding available till next year, but we are working to try to get the date brought forward.

We believe these improvements will help reduce the speeding problem and help people cross the road. We are delighted to have been able to get this result, following from the petition and the concerns raised with us by Cavendish Road and Cedar Road residents.

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