Care Minister Norman Lamb MP with Heather, launching Sutton South Hello!

Care Minister Norman Lamb MP with Heather, launching Sutton South Hello!

The South Sutton, Cheam and Belmont Local Committee devoted half its meeting on 23 May, held at Christchurch in Christchurch Park, to discussing the “South Sutton Hello!” project and social isolation in the area. There were a number of presentations and themes for discussion, after an introduction by Heather as Chair of the Steering Group.

Heather reminded us that South Sutton Hello is an initiative to combat loneliness and isolation, supported by major local charities like AgeUK, Citizens’ Advice Bureau, Sutton Mental Health Foundation, and local residents’ Associations such as SSNA and the HRA. It is a non-political initiative with support from all political parties. 

It was aunched at Christchurch on 9 May by the Care Minister, Norman Lamb MP and is intended to be a pilot for similar initiatives elsewhere. Sutton South Ward chosen as on the basis Campaign to End Social Isolation toolkit, it is a ward where the risk of social isolation is particularly high:

–         the Ward has the highest proportion of over 65’s of any Ward in Sutton

–         the proportion over 85 is double the Sutton and national average

–         there are a large number of people living in sheltered accommodation for the elderly or in single occupancy flats

–         over three quarters of residents live in purpose-built blocks of flats

–         almost half of all households are single person households

–         but a quarter of residents in the Ward say they regularly volunteer in some capacity, so there is a high level of community activism.

The project has drawn together a listing of the various community initiatives in Sutton South, particularly those run by the churches and AgeUK. It has produced a first newsletter and will follow this up with more. There are a number of specific activities it has promoted:

–         the Wednesday “Hello Club” at Christchurch run by SCILL (Sutton Centre for Independent Living and Learning)

–         Chair based exercise classes organised by AgeUK for the Sutton and Surrey Senior Citizens Club

–         The “Second Saturday” social club for older people at the Friends’ Meeting House, where attendance has increased five fold since the project started promoting it.

AgeUK say there has been a 106% increase in callers from our Ward to its Information and Advice service since the project started promoting it. The project is seeking volunteers, particularly as befrienders. These are organised by the Sutton Centre for Independent Living and Learning. There is a phone number 0208 770 4065, or email

At its meeting, following the discussion, the Committee agreed the extension of controlled parking to Eastleigh Close, a project Richard has championed on behalf of the residents there, who have voted for it in successive consultation exercises.

The Commmittee also agreed to a proposal Richard made for additional “20mph” roundels in the road in the Sutton South 20mph area, to combat speeding.

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