Sutton police station

The police consultative panel for Sutton South Ward met again on the evening of 26 June 2024, at Devonshire Avenue school. There are open, public meetings held quarterly at which the police discuss the policing of the Ward with local residents. We were addressed by our Ward Constable, Constable Robyn Skivens, who went through the crime statistics for the Ward. We remain concerned that these meetings, chaired by our local Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator, are not well attended. Sutton has a lower crime rate than most outer London boroughs and our Ward has one of the lowest crime rates in Sutton. However, crime always has a significant impact on the victim and public concern remains high.

The police reported that in the period since the committee last met on 24 April there had been 19 burglaries in the Ward. These were mainly of garages and the police are concerned about the security of blocks of garages adjacent to blocks of flats.

There had been 12 incidents of damage to vehicles, though six were associated with the activities of a disgruntled ex-employee of a local firm. There were no thefts of motor vehicles and again no incidents of theft of catalytic converters.

There were a small number of more major offences, including robbery and public order offences around Sutton train station. There were some incidents of shoplifting, bicycle thefts and youths smoking cannabis. There was some discussion of what the police can do about the group of “all day drinkers” who frequent Sutton station, who had recently moved to the seat in Bridge Road.

There is important advice from the police is not to leave anything valuable in your car and be careful to check it is locked when you leave the car. The police always stress the need to report all crime, however trivial.

Constable Skivens commented on the number of “extractions” that occur, when she and her Sutton South colleagues are asked to leave Ward duties and assist in activities elsewhere. This reduces attention to Ward matters. Concern was expressed at the meeting on the level of police resources.

The meeting discussed the difficulties the police have in recruitment and the concerns we have about the mental welfare of police officers. The meeting thanked Constable Skivens for her dedication to our Ward.

The next meeting was provisionally arranged for 25 September (7pm at Devonshire Avenue school).

Louise, Trish and Richard with our Ward police officers at the Sutton South Hello Christmas party

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