Sutton police station

The police met residents of Sutton South Ward again on the evening of 25 September 2024, at Devonshire Avenue school. There are open, public meetings held quarterly at which the police discuss the policing of the Ward with local residents. We were addressed by our Ward Constable, Constable Robyn Skivens, who went through the crime statistics for the Ward. Sutton has a lower crime rate than most outer London boroughs and our Ward has one of the lowest crime rates in Sutton. However, crime always has a significant impact on the victim and public concern remains high. The draft minutes of the meeting are as below.


Held at Devonshire Avenue primary school

Constable Skivens gave an update on crime in the Ward since the last meeting, which was on 26 June 2024.

Burglaries: There had been 8 burglaries. Several were burglaries of garages but there had been some of houses and of commercial premises. There was a gang of four people who were now well known in the borough who had been behind a number of burglaries.

Motor Vehicle Crime: 11 crimes were reported – 3 of theft of cars (in Ambleside Gardens, Albion Road, Farm Close). The other offences  were thefts from, damage to or interference with cars. There were again no catalytic converter thefts.

Drug offences: 5 crimes  were reported, one of possession of cannabis and one of possession with intent to supply. The other offences  were importation of drugs intercepted by Border Force where a local address was given for the consignment. Ward police would then have to visit the address but usually this was a fictitious or convenience address.

Violence against women and girls: 4 cases. These included a man exposing himself on a bus and cases of women being followed.

Major crimes: This is a broad category. There were 4 cases – two robberies, one attempted robbery, one case of a threat to kill.

Other crimes: There were 11 in this miscellaneous category, including:

  • 2 of shoplifting from the BP service station
  • 2 pedal cycles stolen
  • A woman who had an epileptic fit outside Sutton station had her bag stolen
  • A “street drinker” at the station had vapes stolen from him
  • A handbag was left on a bus and stolen, and efforts were made to use the bank cards
  • The theft of a wedding ring through distraction techniques (engaging in conversation to distract),

Staffing: Although Sutton South has a cadre of 3 officers – Constable Skivens, a second Constable and a PCSO – Constable Skivens was currently on her own. The other Constable is on restricted duties due to a hamstring injury and the PCSO has an injured knee. Constable Skivens spends about half her time on “extractions”, usually to the Response Team, to undertake other duties outside the Ward. The meeting expressed concern at the staffing level.

The meeting discussed a variety of issues raised by residents:

  • The success of Operation Nightingale in reducing crime in Sutton by monitoring and patrolling selected crime hotspots
  • The reduction of crime at Sutton station by closing the side entrance at certain times
  • The knife amnesty, and its success
  • Drug dealing, including at Sutton Court and Beauclere House
  • Concerns about “street drinkers” at Sutton station
  • Fire safety, including the threat posed by batteries on scooters and electric bikes
  • The importance of reporting crime (it was pointed out that reports via Crimestoppers are anonymous)
  • Keyless cars: the need to keep keys in a tin
  • The police speed traps in Chalgrove Road, including on 5 June
  • The cuts to the police cadets, which meet at Overton Grange school, and the reasons for this action. Councillor Clifton mentioned that the Councillors with the local MP were planning to take this up with the Metropolitan police at a more senior level.

The date of the next meeting was set as Wednesday 15 January, at Devonshire Avenue primary school. There was a discussion of what could be done to better publicise the meeting and get a better attendance.

The meeting thanked Constable Skivens for her work and for coming in on her day off to present her report to us, and Devonshire Avenue school for hosting the meeting.

Constable Skivens, Louise, Trish and Richard with other Ward police officers at the Sutton South Hello Christmas party

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