sutherland house

Richard has expressed his disappointment at the withdrawal by the owners of Sutherland House in the Brighton Road of plans that he supported for the re-development of the building.

Alongside the other plans to provide jobs and good design to the area – the Sutton Gateway project, the Subsea7 project, opening the side entrance to the station – getting Sutherland House occupied and improving its appearance is an important further aspect. 

Last year Sutton Council and the Planning Inspectorate rejected plans for the re-development of the building, the Inspectorate awarding costs to the Council as the proposals were so unacceptable. The plans were considered inadequate in that there was no provision for affordable housing and the frontage onto Cedar Road was of an unacceptable design.

At the end of 2013 the owners submitted some further plans that remedied these problems. The plans were due to go to the Council’s Development Control Committee on 22 January with a recommendation that they be accepted, and Richard had made arrangements to speak to the Committee in support of the proposals.

Unexpectedly, a week before the meeting, the developers withdrew the plans.

Richard says “I supported these proposals for the re-development of Sutherland House. I call on the owners to make clear what their plans now are.

With the uplift to the area that will come from the opening of the side entrance to Sutton station, the Sutton Gateway project and the prestige new Subsea7 headquarters, getting Sutherland House re-developed remains the final plank in the strategy to bring jobs, prosperity and good design to our area.”

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