Youth unemployment in Sutton has fallen by 31% according to the latest figures.
Between November 2012 and November 2013 the number of 16-24 year olds claiming Job Seekers Allowance dropped from 790 to 545.
This reduction is greater than the averages for both London and the UK. In London, youth unemployment fell by 28.7%, whilst the drop across the UK was 26.4%.
The next year will bring more investment in Sutton with the Subsea7 project bringing jobs and prosperity to our own Ward.
The fall in Sutton is attributable to the range of initiatives that Sutton Council and its local partners have introduced to reduce youth unemployment in the borough. Together the partners form the Sutton Economic Support Taskforce (SEST) and include representatives from the public, private and voluntary sectors such as Jobcentre Plus, Carshalton College, Sutton College of Learning for Adults, Training and Recruitment Partnership, JACE Training, Sutton & District Training, and Sutton Chamber of Commerce.
The Council also runs its own apprenticeship scheme and encourages its contractors and local businesses to provide training and work experience to young people.