The Phoenix Concert Band – which is based in our Ward and for which Richard plays trumpet – were busy over the Christmas period raising money for the Mayor of Sutton’s charity appeal. The band practices every Friday in the church at Christchurch in Christchurch Park. A concert in the church, staged by the band in December, drew an audience of over a hundred and raised £790 for the charity appeal. The band also played Christmas carols at an event in the Straw cafe in Manor Park in December, which raised £360. On the last Saturday before Christmas the band joined a wider group of musicians to play Christmas carols in the atrium of the St Nicholas shopping centre in Sutton (see photo) which raised £180, so £1330 in all. We were grateful to the Mayor, Councillor Colin Stears, who attended all these events. In addition the band played a concert at the Friends’ Meeting House in Cedar Road on the second Saturday in December, to entertain an enthusiastic audience before the “Second Saturday Tea” which the Quakers provide every month on the second Saturday. The Mayor of Sutton’s charities are Home-Start, Sutton, and Sutton, Kingston and Epsom – Parkinson’s UK. Our contribution to the appeal was dwarfed by the £10 000 prize for second place in the boroughs’ competition won by the Sutton float in the London New Year’s Day parade.