Sutton police station

Sutton police station

Crime remains low in Sutton South. This was the conclusion of the consultative police Ward panel meeting attended by Trish and Richard at Sutton police station on 2  October. Sutton is in fact a Borough with one of the lowest crime rates in London and Sutton South is a Ward with a low crime rate even by Sutton’s standards.

This was not a well attended meeting. We spent part of the time discussing the recent changes to consultation arrangements introduced by the Tory Mayor. They are not popular, and have led to the demise of the popular local Borough-wide consultative group. We discussed how we might meet in public in the future. The crime statistics presented by the police continue to show the Ward has low crime levels, with theft from vehicles one of the most common offences. Agreed priorities are burglary, theft from motor vehicles and anti-social behaviour.

This followed on from the first meeting since the election of the Ward police panel on 9 July at Sutton police station, a meeting Richard and Trish attended. We are considering the mechanics of making this meeting open to the public, or combining its meetings with those of the local committee, to make the meetings open.


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