At the South Sutton, Cheam and Belmont Local Committee on 23 February there was discussion of proposals for parking schemes (yellow lining on the roads to prevent parking at certain times) in a number of roads in Belmont Ward, including some roads adjacent to South Sutton Ward. There has been some misunderstanding about the origin of these proposals and their likely impact. Richard, who spoke at the meeting to remind the Committee of the implications for South Sutton, explains as follows.

“This scheme has been under consideration for about five years. It arises from developments at the Royal Marsden Hospital that had the effect of putting pressure on parking in neighbouring roads. It was agreed, some years ago, to fund, from section 106 money provided by the Marsden (so the cost is not a charge on Sutton Council tax payers), consultation with local residents on parking schemes. The original proposals, for roads close to the Marsden, would have led to some displacement of parking into roads further afield and the consultation was stopped, then resumed over a wider area. Eventually much of Belmont Ward was included in the consultation, including roads that are far removed from the Marsden such  as Egmont Road.

The roads adjacent to our Ward covered in the latest consultation that could lead to displacement into Sutton South are the small part of Langley Park Road south of the junction with Chalgrove Road, the part of Devonshire Road south of Egmont Road, and Egmont Road. The latest round of consultation produces strange results. The response rate of residents in Devonshire Road was less than 20% – implying most of them are not fussed about parking – and in Egmont Road it was only 8%. This is not a mandate for change. The decision taken at the Local Committee on 23 February was to have a further round of consultation in these roads.

As Liberal Democrats we support localism – ensuring decisions are taken at the local, community level wherever possible – so we support the delegation of decisions on parking schemes to Local Committees, though our Party is in a minority on our Local Committee. This set of proposals, under discussion for five years, was well advanced when we were elected in 2010 so we cannot stop it progressing. What we can do is look out for the interests of our residents.

 At the Local Committee on 23 February, we:

– expressed concern at the possibility of displacement of parking into neighbouring roads in Sutton South Ward, if any of these schemes were to be introduced after the next round of consultation

– proposed that if any changes were introduced there should be monitoring of displacement into roads in Sutton South Ward, and, if displacement arises, consultation with residents in our area on whether further parking controls are necessary.

We will seek to ensure this happens. Let us know your views.”

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