The Devonshire Avenue Nature Area could be an element in a Neighbourhood Plan

Richard made an important speech at the meeting of the Housing, Economy and Business Committee, of which he is vice-chair, on 18 September, setting out his views on the subject of Neighbourhood Plans. Several organisations in the Ward have indicated an interest in preparing a Neighbourhood Plan, but none has made a specific proposal so far.

Richard said “I am an enthusiast for Neighbourhood Plans as any process that brings the community together to discuss such plans for their locality is an integrating process promoting social cohesion, which I applaud. But I think such plans should be ambitious in their scope rather than looking narrowly at the design of buildings. The impetus for such plans must come from the community, so the role of the Council should be largely advisory (in particular advising on the definition of a neighbourhood, how to ensure a neighbourhood forum is representative and how bodies can ensure draft plans are consistent with broader planning strategy), and undertaking certain statutory functions (arranging independent review of any plan and a referendum on the plan).

The Council should give a basic level of support to all bodies preparing plans – including signposting to sources of advice and application arrangements – and additional support for the process in areas where there is more scope for development, where plans will help meet other Council objectives such as tackling social isolation and social exclusion, and where there is deprivation.

Neighbourhood plans could be an important step to promoting social cohesion, motivating the local community, spreading good practice on tackling loneliness and tackling social isolation, by community action. This has happened in Hackbridge, with their plan, and is happening in the village in Oxfordshire where my brother is leading the development of the village Neighbourhood Plan.”

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