About Us

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Trish was first elected to Sutton Council on 22 May 2014. Richard had been a Councillor for the previous four years. They were re-elected on 3 May 2018 and 5 May 2022. Louise was elected on 5 May 2022. We have all lived here for many years, so have a deep understanding of the opportunities that come from living here. We are all determined to work hard for the local community.

TRISH  says “I have lived in Sutton for over 30 years and my daughters Alexandra and Lauren were born in St. Helier hospital. Alexandra is a dentist, Lauren a university student.

I am passionate about education. My younger daughter attended St. Philomena’s where I fund raised with the Parents’ Association. She is now at Uni. My elder daughter is a dentist.

I worked in the insurance industry for 30 years and now run my own business. I hope to put that experience to good use in encouraging small businesses.”

Trish and family – with her beautiful daughters

Some things you need to know about Trish:

  • she was born and brought up in Eniskillen in Northern Ireland, the eldest daughter in a family of nine children, at a time when Northern Ireland was plagued by what is now referred to as “The Troubles”
  • she is an international sportswoman, representing Northern Ireland at netball
  • she is a great entrepreneur, having owned and run companies ranging from insurance companies to the only wine bar in our Ward
  • prior to being elected Mayor in May 2020 she was Chair of Sutton Council’s Licensing Committee
  • she was Mayor of Sutton for three successive years.


“I have lived in Sutton South Ward for over thirty years so have a good understanding of the area and of the opportunities and problems of living here. I think it a wonderful place to live and I am so grateful to my fellow citizens in Sutton South for giving me this opportunity for public service, by electing me as a Councillor for the area I live in and really love.

I was active in politics in the 1960’s, when I was President of the Union of Students at the University of Warwick. Those who have read the book “Warwick University Limited” by E.P. Thompson will know that at that time Warwick was a hotbed of radical ideas. I was for many years a member of the Labour Party but joined the SDP (Social Democratic Party) when it was formed in the 1980’s and, by that route, joined the Liberal Democrats when the former Liberal party merged with the SDP.

I have been married to Gloria, who was a museum curator and Head of the Royal Observatory in Greenwich until she retired, for over 50 years. Gloria is now a Curator Emeritus of the National Maritime Museum, and is continuing her research interests in the history of scientific instruments, on which she is an internationally recognised authority. Both of our children went to Devonshire Avenue primary school, in our ward, and to a local State secondary school, Nonsuch. I am very proud of my daughters. Jane, who sadly died of a brain tumour in 2017, was a barrister, and Ellie has given the community great service by working as a marketing and communications officer for a charity for the homeless in Birmingham (St. Basil’s). She also founded and was the first editor of a newspaper for the homeless (The Pavement, West Midlands), something she did as an unpaid volunteer. She now works for Worcester cathedral.

My elder daughter, Jane, was married in 2010. Her husband Tetteh is also a barrister. His family come from Ghana though he was born in Northern Ireland. The wedding took place in the Gladstone Library of the National Liberal Club. Tet now works as a senior barrister for the Crown Prosecution Service.

In June 2015 they presented me with my first grandchild, Ciaran. Here they are in St. Thomas’s hospital the day after the birth. Sadly, Jane died two years later, of a brain tumour. I spend a lot of time child minding Ciaran.

both ciaran

Here is a picture of my younger daughter, Ellie, at her wedding, in 2009. Her husband, Jeff, works in IT. They were married at the beautiful country church of St. Bartholomew, in Tardebigge, in Worcestershire . They have a lovely daughter, my grandaughter Livi, and a son, Theo.

elliewedding picture

I have been active in local organisations, including at one time being chair of my local residents’ association, the Highfields Residents’ Association.

For much of my career I worked in public service and I was at one time the chair of the Board of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, based in Bilbao, in Spain. This is the principal European Union agency in this field. Given this experience, it was perhaps inevitable that when elected to Sutton Council I would be invited to be chair of the Sutton Joint Health and Safety Committee. My experience as chair of the board of a European Union Agency and, during my career, taking part in European Union Council of Ministers working group meetings negotiating Directives on subjects as diverse as genetic modification and the safety of machinery, made me a strong supporter of the European Union. Having a group of people from a number of different countries sitting round a table agreeing what is in effect an international standard is of immense value to the citizens of all these countries. I was disappointed at the decision to leave the European Union. I was until April 2011 head of the binational (UK – France) safety organisation for the channel tunnel, established by international Treaty, but decided to retire from this role to concentrate on my activities as a Councillor. I still find time to play the trumpet in a Sutton-based concert band and some other local bands.”

LOUISE was elected to Sutton Council on 5 May 2022, joining Trish and Richard as Councillors for Sutton South Ward. Louise was Deputy Mayor of the borough for the year 2023-24 and is Deputy Mayor again this year. Her son Harry is officially titled the “Consort” of the Deputy Mayor. Louise has lived in Sutton for over 20 years and her son attends Overton Grange school in our Ward. She is an active member of many local community organisations and was a leading member of the Sutton New Town Community Festival, serving as chair of the organisation.

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